How We Can Help

A Comfortable and Informed Experience

how-we-can-help-mainAlthough the vast majority of our patients will likely be familiar with office appointments to see their family doctor or dentist, visiting a denture clinic may be a first-time experience.  It would therefore be understandable if denture patients had several questions, and perhaps a few apprehensions, about what may lie ahead in terms of treatments and outcomes.

As you may already have concerns about your teeth or mouth in terms of the ability to eat, speak, and/or smile without pain or potential embarrassment, we are committed to relieving any uneasiness or hesitancy that may be on your mind about dentures in general so that we can work together to effectively resolve your particular situation.  All questions are welcome and encouraged, and none are either too basic or too complex to warrant our complete attention and a satisfactory response.

Patient Satisfaction is Our Primary Concern

The Onyx team is committed to ensuring your complete satisfaction during every clinic visit and throughout every step of your treatment.

This includes a comprehensive consultation and examination process that encompasses the following:

  • Understanding your lifestyle needs and preferences
  • Understanding your specific concerns and challenges
  • A thorough evaluation of your teeth, mouth, and gums
  • Presentation and discussion of treatment alternatives
  • What you can expect as part of the recovery process

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Based on this knowledge and information, including a decision on the treatment option that best meets all of your needs, we can create the appropriate dentures that will:

  • Fit and function to your satisfaction
  • Have the appearance of natural teeth
  • Permit you to enjoy the foods you want
  • Allow you to speak and smile with ease
  • Renew self-confidence and self-esteem

At Onyx Denture and Implant Clinic, the unequivocal satisfaction of every patient is our primary motivation.  If you are experiencing issues with your ability to eat, speak, and/or smile without pain or potential embarrassment but are uncertain about moving forward with dentures, call the Onyx Denture and Implant Clinic today at 403-995-0852 or contact us to book a consultation on how we can help.